Heard across a street. Highly intelligent. A bike alarm like no other! $210 CAD. Direct from manufacturer: $120 CAD.
As with any product nowadays, naming is a much more complex undertaking than it was in the past.
Checks have to be carried out for the domain name (especially .com), existing products or variants, groups and individuals on social networks, apps, trade-marks, patents, jurisdictions etc etc etc.
And, while you’re developing the product, other claimants arise. ‘Bike Minder’ did not have a trade-mark when I started on it in 2016; now, there seems to be a UK company with a claim, presumably within a UK jurisdiction.
Then there are the plethora of apps. The .com is taken by a motorcycling app that–till the last time I checked, a year or so ago–did not have much uptake. Recently, I think I ran into some others with the same, or a similar, name!
And, of course, so many domain names (.com or otherwise) that are purchased merely for resale.
For the Minder (let’s call it M!nder, assuming that no-one has staked their claim, already), I have to think of non-English-speaking users as well. The product can be used in any country, with any language(s). So, I have to try to make it easy to identify (and, hopefully, pronounce) in languages other than English.
M!nder it is.