The M!nder ReadMe

Updated: Saturday 25 May 2024

The M!nder is a theft deterrence with a highly intelligent computer and a large, very loud siren.

Prototype. August 2022.

It is not dumb electronics that reflexively trigger on any movement, and it is not a small alarm that can’t be heard from afar.

Compact, lightweight, yet super-loud. Weighs only 350 grams (12 oz.), and measures 125×80×110 mm (5x4x3″).

Typically, it starts with a warning. But, for a fast, violent attack, it can ‘floor it‘ to scare the shit out of the thief!

When parking, the rider mounts it at a position where it hangs freely, and types-in a password to activate it. Upon return, the password is typed to de-activate it, and the M!nder is packed away.

While parked, the bicycle’s movements are monitored by the M!nder; threats suspected to be major will receive a loud siren, while minor threats are responded-to correspondingly.

What to Expect

A lot of information is presented below, in the M!nder FAQ, and in the M!nder’s Manual. You are considering an on-line purchase, possibly from half-way around the world, with no ‘free returns’. Be sure to read everything, and watch all the videos, so you’ll have a better idea of what you’re getting. You can even email me; I don’t bite! Usually.


This won’t turn your property into Fort Knox! It’s just a minder, watching your property, while you’re away. The worst it can do is to shriek. It just aims to make your property less worthwhile than the next guy’s.


It knows that a thief can, and will, smash it! Any lock can be cut, and an angle grinder can destroy anything!
And the M!nder is made of 3D-printed plastic, and contains fragile electronics. It may even break if you drop it! So, the M!nder aims to make as much noise as practical, with its dying breaths! If you use it in an area where nobody will care if a thief is triggering a siren, then a M!nder won’t be of any use to you!


You’ll need a padlock. The M!nder must be mounted at a position where it can hang freely. The more free-hanging, the better. If you let it rest against anything, it can be less effective. If it’s close to the ground, or another solid surface, it might be easier to smash.


Why free-hanging? Because an angle grinder will have a harder time to cut it, and a bolt cutter will have a harder time to smash it! The thief will have to hold the M!nder, which is dangerous with an angle grinder, and impractical with a bolt cutter–and the M!nder will react, which is exactly what we’d want it to do. The thief will have to attack the padlock, or the mounting plates (which allow the enclosure to mount on a padlock): In most forms of attack, these alert the firmware.


Unlike a lock, the mounting plates are made of soft metal. Why soft metal? Well, because angle grinders cut through most locks anyway, so there is no practical defence there! And if the thief is using an angle grinder, he/she/per is already making lots of noise anyway; so, a M!nder’s shrieks will be of little benefit! The sole benefits are: he’ll have one more thing to cut through; he won’t be able to claim that he is an owner who lost his lock’s key (because he didn’t have the password to de-activate the M!nder with).

The soft metal is for bolt-cutter attacks: Hard metal is harder to cut, but it breaks; soft metal is very easy to cut, but he is likely to have to pry it off, thus generating more movements for the firmware.

Rain & Temperature

Keep the M!nder out of prolonged rain and sub-zero (0 C) temperatures. Freezing cold will defeat its battery, and prolonged, heavy rain might eventually damage it.


You must not permanently mount the M!nder on your property! That’ll defeat it. And, when riding a bike, you’ll need to carry it in your pack, protected from impact, vibrations and rain.


The M!nder ought to be recharged after every 10 hours of usage. See the M!nder’s manual.

At power-up, if the battery capacity is deemed to be insufficient for a day’s parking, the system will play a long beep. At any time that the battery capacity drops too low for safe operation, the system will automatically shut down. So, it is crucial that you recharge the M!nder after a day’s usage.

False Alarms

The system attempts to avoid false alarms, but it must strike a balance between under-responding and over-responding. As in all engineering, there are trade-offs. Thus, it is possible that your property will be stolen without the system ever responding; and it is possible that the system might respond when there seems to be no justification for it having done so.
Might it be set off by a passing truck? Highly unlikely. Wind? It’s gotta be high speed; but, on very windy days/spots, simply position it to hang less freely!
Do not use the M!nder where there is vibration, such as on a bridge.


The M!nder bike alarm is now for sale, direct from the manufacturer, massively discounted from its retail price.

Release History

This is the release history of the M!nder bike alarm.

Mini FAQ

This is only a brief FAQ. For the full version, see the M!nder FAQ.

Do I still have to lock my bike?
What if they smash the M!nder?
Where should I hang it from?
Is there a warranty?
Is there a GPS tracker in it? An app?
Isn’t this just like a car alarm? People ignore those!
Why not just use a $10-$50 alarm?
“But my city is infested with bike theft!”

Do I still have to lock my bike?

Yes. Don’t use a cable lock; use at least a dependable D-lock/U-lock. Good parking-practices remain your responsibility. See the M!nder FAQ for an example of the M!nder’s vulnerabilities.

What if they smash the M!nder?

They will! A thief’s first instinct is to smash it.

Depending on the form of attack, the M!nder might not last long enough to make sufficient noise.

Where should I hang it from?

Requirements: It must hang freely, and remain fully audible.

For regular, 2-wheeled bicycles, the best position is from a U-lock that locks the top bar of your frame to a reliable anchor.
Cargo bikes, motorcycles, ATVs, farm, or construction, equipment, tool sheds, tool boxes, have not been tested. You’ll need to identify the best spot, subject to the constraints above, your frame geometry, and parking contexts.

Is there a warranty?

One year for manufacturing defects. See the MI!nder’s terms of sale, for that, returns and refunds.

Is there a GPS tracker in it? An app?

No, and no. The M!nder tries to prevent the theft, not to send you to a criminal with a possibly-disassembled bike, in a shady part of town, while hoping that the police do show up for a non-life-and-limb crime of common theft!
On the other hand, passers-by might not even take photos when they hear the M!nder going off! So, if you park in that kind of area, beware!
For more details, see the M!nder FAQ.

Isn’t this just like a car alarm? People ignore those!

Those systems are designed for a static object that weighs a tonne and occupies a large space. The M!nder has been designed for bicycles i.e. light and small. Simply, movement is far easier to detect on bicycles, and more accurately so! By hanging the M!nder, the same intelligent sensitivity can be available to anything you hang it from. See the M!nder FAQ.

Why not just use a $10-$50 alarm?

Too many false alarms, & their sound often lacks reach.

They sound loud when tested in quiet, but not necessarily over noisy traffic. Yes, you could hear them from across the street, but will the thief care?
The 120 dB, or so, claimed is measured at a short distance e.g. 1 meter. SPL (Sound Pressure Level) drops with distance; the farther the sound waves travel, the less power they’ll have, and so the less audible volume. Sound volume is mechanical; the M!nder’s large horn generates waves unmatched by a physically-small device.

Cheap alarms will either over-react (e.g. shrieking at a cyclist who accidentally knocked into your bike while trying to park next to you) or under-react (e.g. the manufacturer, or you, set it to not be so jumpy, thereby missing slow, sneaky attacks such as taking out its batteries, or unmounting it). They lack sufficient firmware analyzing those movements! The M!nder always runs at maximum sensitivity; it is its firmware that intelligently decides to react or not. See the M!nder FAQ.

“But my city is infested with bike theft!”

If passers-by don’t even film thefts, then they’ve lost faith in police intervention; the M!nder could not help! If there are bike-jackings, the M!nder could not help you. The same if you leave your bike in an underground locker.
Most bike-thefts, however, are for quick cash. Make yours a hassle, and he’ll move-on to another bike.

Updated: Saturday 25 May 2024.

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