Peace of Mind

Intelligent Deterrence

Development Tests

The various tests carried out on the product.

Logo Created, Outdoor Test Succeeded

The M!nder logo has been finalized, and should be published in the next few days. Thanks to the efforts and creativity of the great Ko Kimura at No Shortscuts Studio, here in Vancouver. An outdoor test of one parking-scenario has been carried out, successfully. I’ll post a link to it here, if I don’t forget. […]

Installation Inside the Frame

Back in June 2016, when this whole thing started, my idea was to place the system within a bike’s frame. This caused numerous problems, which I will outline in future posts, as time permits. Below is shown a photo of one of the August 2017 tests. Literally hanging by a thread is a speaker or […]

Bike Alarm Test: Laggy Shake-Response, with Voice

A 2019 test of the system’s measured response to shakes. It certainly is too measured in this instance, but refinement was planned for later. And theft-detection is incorrect as well; but that was to evolve later. Note: As of today, there is no plan to include voice messages in the final product. Instead, there will […]

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