Author : Arta

Quest for Loudness: Speakers

A collection of some of the various speakers tried in the years-long pursuit to achieve loudness at the smallest possible size. Note that, initially, the goal was to design a system that could fit inside a bike frame! That had many ‘impossibles’ to overcome, the hardest of which was loudness. Even when the design changed […]

Stock Shortages Result in a New CPU

Over the past few years, I tried a number of different micro-controllers to design the system with. It started with an Arduino Uno, then went into different sizes and capabilities until it ended up in a different Atmel AVR. Now, with the project nearing completion, Covid has put a stop to completion of the design. […]

Early Customers & Beta Testing

As yet, the product is months away from any sort of release. But, I’m already thinking about the experience of the initial customers. It’d be best if the early buyers provide feedback about their experiences. This can be fed back into the design cycle, hopefully improving the product. To encourage this, companies typically find beta […]

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