Peace of Mind

Intelligent Deterrence

Hardware Hiccups’ Delay

Heard across a street. Highly intelligent. A bike alarm like no other! $210 CAD. Direct from manufacturer: $120 CAD.

Sunday 6 February 2022

The Supply Crisis caused numerous problems. The latest is a behavioural difference in a new piece of hardware that now needs to be catered to. Highly annoying at this late a stage!

On the plus side, the enclosure is nearly ready. The metallic components have been prototyped, with some tests remaining. The plastic components are nearly ready as well. At this stage, I cannot invest in a large production run (even if I did have the money), so enclosures will be built for customers as they arrive.

An update to the PCB design is needed, with test-PCBs arriving in a few weeks. … Nothing much else afterwards, that I can think of! Fingers crossed!

So, let’s say March?

Hardware Hiccups’ Delay

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