Peace of Mind

Intelligent Deterrence

Loudness Inside a Bike Frame

Heard across a street. Highly intelligent. A bike alarm like no other! $210 CAD. Direct from manufacturer: $120 CAD.

A lot of time was spent, over the (2+?) years, to find a way of generating loudness via the bike frame. While this is very possible, it will not be a commercial product, installable by average consumers. And frame modifications are never a desirable option! 🙂

Just what the hell is inside a piezo buzzer! 2 August 2017.
The tin snips were not for this, of course! 2 Aug. 2017.
Larger piezos. 2 Aug. 2017
A piezo, clipped to an aluminium sheet that was (not quite successfully) rolled into a cylinder. The whole thing is inserted inside the seat tube. 2 Aug. 2017.
A better shot of the rolled cylinder. 2 Aug. 2017.
And this is what the inside of a cheap speaker looks like! 29 July 2017.
And the inside of a larger siren. 23 July 2017.
Loudness Inside a Bike Frame

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